New Korean ebooks and audiobook

How’s everyone been? I hope you’ve been having a good year!
We’ve been working on a couple of different things and hope to have a new Korean-English Dharma talk out by the end of the year.

In the meanwhile, the ebooks are out for the Korean editions of “My Heart is a Golden Buddha” (내 마음은 금부처) and “No River to Cross” (건널 강이 어디 있으랴). Likewise, the Korean audiobook for “My Heart is a Golden Buddha” is also now available as a streaming/downloadable audiobook. (Before it was only available as a CD that came with the Korean edition. But, it turns out that no one has CD players anymore!) Here are some links to the books: Kyobo Books, Yes24.

Those two are major booksellers in Korea, but if you don’t have an account there and want just a downloaded file, you can order them from our “store” at Gumroad:
내 마음은 금부처 (ebook),
내 마음은 금부처 (audiobook),
건널 강이 어디 있으랴 (ebook).
It should work okay, and is probably easier for people outside of Korea who have a bit of tech know-how.

“My Heart is a Golden Buddha”
“No River to Cross”

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