Sunday Photo; Muan Lotus Pond

July through September is lotus season in Korea.

In the south-wesern tip of the peninsula is a famous lotus pond that cultivates them for their root and also makes delicious lotus leaf tea.

The lotus they grow is originally from India, but this pond is said to have the largest lotuses in Asia.

4 thoughts on “Sunday Photo; Muan Lotus Pond”

  1. Hi Joseph,
    I would like to thank you for your beautiful expression/creations through your photography. I take these into my heart and they bring such peace and beauty that permeates my entire essence, thank you for this 🙂

    I would like to share something with you… My son when he was 2 told us he had a sister (he had/has no sister, nor brother via my husband and myself :)), he said her name was “Finna”. I found this very interesting as this is not a name my husband nor I had ever heard before, and we heard it again with your posting…

    Many Blessings to you and your family,

    1. Wow, that is interesting!

      Fina is an Italian name, a nickname for Josefina or Serafina. I don’t know if that would give any hints…

      I once came home from a house I’d visited with my dad when I was a boy and told my mom I knew them from “before” only I couldn’t explain what before was. I’d never actually met them in this life! An Israeli woman once told me children are either psychic or fools, who knows! ^_^

  2. I’m inclined to agree with the Israeli woman’s former word for children, I find myself to be more the fool, hee, hee…

    My son is 7 now and when he was 2, he had such words and actions of wisdom, joy, and love of everything, it helped me open my eyes once more! I believe that he and your Fina have a connection, maybe to be seen again this lifetime, or maybe not… Just interesting and kinda fun to observe and see how things work 🙂 When I told him how you have a daughter named Fina, he wanted to see her and talk to her… Of course he feels this way with all kids and people!

    With Love in our Hearts from our Family to yours,

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